4 min read

September 20 to 22, 2018
Opening reception: 6pm to 8pm, September 20, 2018

Kazuhiko Kudo, Takashi Yomiya, Kan Kishino,
Yutaka Hanaoka, Choi Jae Ho, Maiko Miyaoka, Yoshihiro Nishiyama




This year will be the third Eisuke's Choice. The artists from the KURASHI NO UTSUWA HANADA will come to New York.
Kudo Kazuhiko and 6 other artists will present their work at the exhibit. Takashi Yomiya from Kumamoto, Kyushu, Kan Kishino from Mie, Yutaka Hanaoka from Shizuoka, Maiko Miyaoka who loves Old Imari-ware from Tokyo, White ceradon artist Jae Hoo Choi was born in Pusan, Korea and Glass artist Yoshihiro Nishiyama from Ishikawa.

Eisuke Matsui and Kazuhiko Kudo will be attending the reception.


We hope you will enjoy the modern Tokyo craft scene at this exhibit.


暮らしのうつわ花田、Sara Japanese Pottery 合同企画
 9月20日、21日、22日 2018

オープニング レセプション 9月20日 午後6時から8


今年3回目となる英輔好み。松井英輔率いる暮らしの器 花田の面々がNew Yorkに帰ってくる。
九州、熊本の余宮隆、三重の岸野寛、静岡の花岡隆というお馴染みに加え、古伊万里をこよなく愛する東京の宮岡麻衣子、韓国 釜山出身, 白磁の崔在皓Jaeho Choi、石川県のガラス作家 西山芳浩が参加する。
花田の若社長 松井英輔氏と北海道の自由人、工藤和彦氏が在廊予定。



Kazuhiko Kudo – Hokkaido


Originally from Kanagawa prefecture, Kazuhiko Kudo chose to be based out of Asahi-kawa in Hokkaido because of the soil called, Kenbuchi clay.




Never used for ceramics, this clay is roughly 200 million years old, and about 45,000 years ago it came to Japan through Siberia.

It became a question of how this clay can be used, and as a result of five years work, the utterly original yellow kohiki was developed.

As its name implies, it is the kohiki technique with traces of yellow, however, like the land in Hokkaido, there is strength in the material.

This past year, he built a wood-fire kiln. From that vast serene nature grows a powerfully strong, deep, and dynamic expression.



Takashi Yomiya - Stoneware    Kumamoto Prefecture



His characteristic style, shape, and technique that was so unique has now become a staple in tableware.

As he continues to be the top pottery maker in Japan, he simply aims for "tableware that can make food taste even slightly more delicious" - perhaps an ideal that has no end nor an answer.



Kan Kishino - Stoneware    Mie Prefecture


Yakishime, Ido, Kohiki techniques, Kan Kishino is the divine potter in pursuit of the imperial-style stoic Japanese ceramic arts. Kan Kishino continues to research ancient oriental pottery; his ability to gain insight from the antique craftsmanship cannot be surpassed even by certified experts. He takes the antique ware in his hands, carefully examines it - the shape of the inner part that dips in is certainly indicative of a potter of that time.



Furthermore, he looks at the way it's made and the materials to make inferences. For his own pieces, he's relentless and carries a heavy burden by constantly asking, "what is the meaning of making things?".

Kan Kishino's pieces are not reproductions. They are creations.



Yutaka Hanaoka - Shizuoka Prefecture


After studying under Shiro Banura in Iga City, Mie prefecture, about 40 years ago he started a kiln in Shuzenji, Shizuoka prefecture. There, he opened up the world to what is now known as "kohiki tableware". At the time, it was the norm to use kohiki as the foundation for any painted pottery. The world Hanaoka-san presented showed the values and beauty of people at the time in a provocative way, and a kind of movement was born. However, different from most other movements, it is one that we don't tire from.



Even now, it continues to attract young fans, young potter's admiration, even the reason to become a potter. Hanaoka-san's work is splendid without necessarily emphasizing personality. However, a "Yutaka Hanaoka kohiki" is something you'll always recognize.



Maiko Miyaoka – Tokyo


After a long journey through the drawing and music world, she reached out to ceramic art.

Among various kind of pottery she was attracted to Imari in the style of the early period that looked very gentle and free.

She recreates the charm as contemporary ceramics.



Coordinating every high standard of pottery making like the manufacturing method, shaping , molding, etc. In a  well balanced way. This is her sensitivity and straight love to early Imari.



Jaeho Choi  - Yamaguchi prefecture


He is from Busan in South Korea.

He came to Japan because he was so impressed by the Japanese view and attitude towards pottery and thought he must be in Japan

if he were to pursue pottery.




After that, decades went by He walks a straight path, making only white porcelain.

His job values ‘Lines’; making soft and fluent shapes.

White porcelain is very simple and cannot be fraudulent.

His white porcelain equals ‘Lines’ where his now is all expressed.



Yoshihiro Nishiyama - Ishikawa prefecture


His original shaping and texture of glass work have rich expression.

He referenced antiques to embody in his own sensitivity.

His distinctive interpretation towards them and representation made him establish his very unique world of glass making.




工藤和彦 北海道



余宮隆 熊本県



岸野寛 三重県



花岡隆 静岡県



宮岡麻衣子 東京都



崔在皓Choi Jae Ho山口県



西山芳浩 石川県
